Clarion West Dreamin'
Even though it's only February, I'm already thinking about summer. Specifically, I'm thinking about whether or not I'll get into the 2017 Clarion West Writers Workshop.
This is my first year applying. I've heard of people who have applied three, four or more times. From that alone I can infer that my odds are pretty low. If I had to guess, I think they're about 0.4%. But that's just the probability. I'm proud of the stories I submitted ("Chrysalis" & "Loyal Son"), and I think my personal essay was good, too. That has to bump up my odds, right?
So until I get the email (or hopefully phone call) in late March, I'm treating my application like a lottery ticket. It's nice to fantasize about what will happen if I'm one of the lucky eighteen. And if the worst should happen...well...there's always next year.