Story Release!
I'm happy (and proud) to announce that my story, "A Monument to Our Biggest Sin," is live today on It is the first story Scout is publishing as part of their President's Sci-Fi series. I won't spoil the plot, but I will say that you will need to become a Scout member before reading it. Having worked with Scout's editors over the last few months, I can truthfully say that they have created a quality publication worth following, especially if you are interested in the 'big questions' about the future of mankind.
As you're waiting for your membership to activate, take some time to explore the Scout website. There's lots of free content open to non-members.
Finally, I want to give a shout out to Jason De Villiers, the South African artist whose artwork brought my story to life. His art is already posted on my Featured Artwork page. There you will find a link to Jason's personal website. He is truly talented, worth checking out.
EDIT: The story's original title was "The City We Built in Life," a reference to the following scene in Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol:
“You are fettered,” said Scrooge, trembling. “Tell me why?”
“I wear the chain I forged in life,” replied the Ghost. “I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.”
Like Marley, we will not see our 'chains' until it is too late. But maybe, just maybe, mankind can still avoid his fate.